Research Interests
My personal research program encapsulates topical, important and challenging aspects of dynamic pricing and revenue management (DP/RM), supply chain management, and transportation economics. The core of my research focuses on integrating and understanding consumer behavior in the context of dynamically priced goods through analytical models, behavioral experiments as well as empirical analyses; strategic interactions between agents in supply chains with an emphasis on decisions in competitive environments; and deriving insights for policy decision makers in regulating and privatizing the aviation industry.
Research topics:
- Revenue Management & Dynamic Pricing with an emphasis on consumer behavior
- Coordination of supply chains and inventory related considerations
- (Strategic) Consumer Behavior
- Empirical Operations Management
- Analytics
- Airline Industry
- Retailing
- Applied Game Theory; Marketing Models
- Transportation Economics; Empirical Analysis of Airfares
Sample research questions:
- Why does Amazon operate as a dual-format retailer (i.e., both as a merchant and as a platform)?
- Should retailers stock strategic inventories?
- How should firms dynamically price their goods in the presence of competition and strategic consumers? What is the impact of volatile fares? What are the implications for inventories?
- How to measure competition?
- What are the policy implications of airlines’ varying code sharing agreements?
- Shall governments commit to greening initiatives?
- How should firms make market entry and/or market portfolio decisions in the presence of competition?
Refereed Publications
- Pan, X., Dresner, M., Mantin, B., Zhang, JA. 2020. Pre‐Hurricane Consumer Stockpiling and Post‐Hurricane Product Availability: Empirical Evidence from Natural Experiments. Production and Operations Management. June 2020.
- Bock, S., B. Mantin, H-M Niemeier, P. J. Forsyth. 2020. Bankruptcy in international vs domestic markets: Evidence from the airline industry. Transportation Research Part A, 132: 728-743.
- Mantin, B., & Veldman, J. 2019. Managing strategic inventories under investment in process improvement. European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3), 782-794.
- Zhang Y., B. Mantin, and Y. Wu. 2019. Inventory Decisions in the Presence of Strategic Customers: Theory and Behavioral Evidence. Production and Operations Management, 28(2): 374-392.
- Bock, S. P. Forsyth, H.-M. Niemeier, and B. Mantin. 2019. Chapter 11 and the Level Playing Field: Should Chapter 11 be Considered as a Subsidy? Journal of Air Transport Management, 74: 39-46.
- Mantin, B. and E. Rubin. 2018. The Implications of Airfare Price Volatility on Transacted Prices, Sales and Revenue. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 120:35-50.
- Hermel, D. and B. Mantin. 2018. Selling to Strategic Consumers: on the Benefits of Valuation Uncertainty. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 17(3): 146-165.
- Jiang, L. and B. Mantin. 2017. Strategic Inventories with Quality Deterioration. European Journal of Operational Research, 258(1): 155-164.
- Kremer, M., B. Mantin, and A. Ovchinnikov. 2017. Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Strategic Consumers: Theory and Experiment (previous title: Strategic Consumer, Myopic Retailers). Production and Operations Management, 26(1): 116–133.
- Jiang, L., S. Dimitrov, and B. Mantin. 2017. P2P Marketplaces and Retailing in the Presence of Consumers’ Valuation Uncertainty. Production and Operations Management, 26(3): 509-524.
- Mantin, B. and E. Rubin. 2016. Fare Prediction Websites and Transaction Prices: Empirical Evidence from the Airline Industry. Marketing Science, 35(4): 640-655.
- Lin, M.H. and B. Mantin. 2015. Airport Privatization in International Inter-Hub and Spoke Networks. Economics of Transportation, 4(4): 189-199.
- Adler, N. and B. Mantin. 2015. Airline Contracts, Government Regulation and the International Airline Market. Economics of Transportation, 4(3): 166-177.
- Yang, L., S. Dimitrov, and B. Mantin. 2014. Forecasting sales of new virtual goods with the Elo rating system. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 13: 457-469.
- Zschocke, M., B. Mantin, and E. Jewkes. 2014. The Effect of Competition on R&D Portfolio Investments. Production and Operations Management, 23(8): 1439-1449.
- Gillen, D. and B. Mantin. 2014. The Importance of Concession Revenues in the Privatization of Airports. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 68: 164-177.
- Mantin, H. Krishnan, and T. Dhar. 2014. The Strategic Role of Third‐Party Marketplaces in Retailing. Production and Operations Management, 23(11): 1937-1949.
- Liu, J., B. Mantin, and H. Wang. 2013. Supply Chain Coordination with Customer Returns using Buyback Policy. International Journal of Production Economics, 148: 81-89.
- Zschocke, M., B. Mantin, and E. Jewkes. 2013. Mature or emerging markets: Competitive duopoly investment decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 228(3): 612-622.
- Gillen, D. and B. Mantin. 2013. Transportation Infrastructure Management: One-and Two-sided Market Approaches. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47(2): 207-227.
- Mantin. 2012. Airport Complementarity: Private vs. Government Ownership and Welfare Gravitation, Transportation Research Part B, 46: 381-388.
- Zschocke, M., B. Mantin, and E. Jewkes. 2012. Competitive Market Selection with Timing and Capacity Decisions. IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, 60(1): 88-98.
- Mantin, B. and E. Wang. 2012. Determinants of Profitability and recovery from shocks: the case of the U.S. domestic Airline Industry, Journal of Airline and Airport Management, 2(1), 1 – 33.
- Rubin, E. and B. Mantin, B. 2012. Online Decision Aids and Airfare Pricing, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11(2), 159 – 170.
- Mantin, B. and D. Gillen. 2011. The Hidden Information Content of Price Movements, European Journal of Operational Research, 211(2): 385-393.
- Mantin, B., D. Granot and F. Granot. 2011. Dynamic Pricing under First Order Markovian Competition, Naval Research Logistics, 58: 608-618.
- Mantin, B. and B. Koo. 2010. Weekend Effect in Airfare Pricing, Air Transport Management, 16: 48-50.
- Almehdawe, E. and B. Mantin. 2010. Vendor Managed Inventory with a Capacitated Manufacturer and Multiple Retailers: Retailer versus Manufacturer Leadership, International Journal of Production Economics, 128(1): 292-302.
- Mantin, B. and B. Koo. 2009. Dynamic Price Dispersion in Airline Markets, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 45: 1020-1029.
- Gillen, D. and B. Mantin. 2009. Price Volatility in the Airline Markets, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 45: 693-709.
- Koo, B., B. Mantin, and P. O’Connor. 2009. Online Distribution of Airline Tickets: Should Airlines Adopt a Single or a Multi-Channel Approach?, Tourism Management. 32(1): 69-74.
- Mantin, B. and A. Tishler. 2004. The Structure of the Defence Industry and the Security Needs of the Country: a Differentiated Products Model, Defence and Peace Economics, Volume 15, Issue 5, pp. 397-419. (Leading article).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Bishop, W., A. Hurst, B. Mantin, and S. Bedi. 2015. An Experiential Learning Activity to Promote Skill Development in First Year Engineering Students. CEEA (Canadian Engineering Education Association) 2015 conference.
- Gillen and B. Mantin. On concession and congestion in two-sided airport markets. The 16th HKSTS International Conference, December 2011, 8 pages.
- Mantin B. and D. Gillen, Price Volatility in the Airline Markets: Wait or Buy? Proceedings of POMS 20th Annual Conference, Orlando, May 2009, 42 pages.
- Koo, B. and B. Mantin, Online distribution channels of airline tickets: To join or not to join Expedia? The 2009 International Joint Conferences on e-CASE and e-Technology, Singapore, January 2009, 20 pages.
- Rubin, E. and B. Mantin. 2008. Online Decision-Aids and Pricing: Empirical Analysis of the Airline Industry, ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems), Paris, December 2008, pp. 136-143 (acceptance rate: 24%).
Working Papers
- Meng, Y. and B. Mantin. Dynamic pricing under demand uncertainty in the presence of strategic consumers
- Presented at M&SOM conference, Michigan 2011
- Presented at POMS conference, Chicago April 2012
- Presented at P&OM conference, Amsterdam July 2012
- Presented at the Revenue Management and Pricing conference, Berlin, June 2012
- Lee, O. EM. and B. Mantin. Dynamic Pricing in The Presence of Strategic Consumer with Product and Intertemporal Substitution
- Mantin, B. and D. Granot. Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Strategic Consumers and Inter-temporal Competition.
- Ramasra R. and B. Mantin. Inventory Decisions for the Price Setting Retailer: Extensions to the EOQ Setting.
- Mantin, B., On the Persistency of Price Volatility in Airline Markets.
- Czerny, A. I., P.-J. Jost, and B. Mantin. Pricing in Overlapping Transport Networks.
- Josefchak, P. and B. Mantin. Offsets and Public Procurement.
- Liu, J., B. Mantin, and H. Wang. Price and store assistance level decisions in the presence of consumer returns.
- On the Effect of Competition and Strategic Consumer Behavior in Revenue Management, PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008.
- The Structure of the Defense Industry and the Security Needs of the Country: a Differentiated Products Model, MSc thesis, Tel-Aviv University, 2002.
- Ganesh Balasubramanian. In progress. Co-supervised (Sachin Jayaswal). Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
- You Wu. In progress. Co-supervised (Anne Lange)
- Nicole Perez-Becker. In progress. Co-supervised (Joachim Arts)
- Weichun Chen. In Progress. Co-supervised with Bo Li. Tianjin University.
- Xiaodan Pan, 2018. Consumer Stockpiling. Co-supervised (Martin Dresner). University of Maryland. Currently an Assistant Professor at Concordia University
- Jian Liu, 2014. At Institute of Systems Engineering, School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. I supervised Jian on two of her papers (out of 5).
- Mark Zschocke, 2011, co-supervised (Elizabeth M Jewkes), now at Fibernetics (previously a partner at Open Options, Inc.) Thesis: Competitive Project Portfolio Management.